There are many benefits of wellness and reablement. It can add more good days to your life and give you opportunities to do the things that matter to you. Here we share stories that showcase the benefits and ways of overcoming barriers to reaching your goals, and to help others on their wellness journey.

Each of us have a different story …

No matter where we are on our life’s path the thought of being able to continue to do the things that matter to us as we age is desirable to us all but the challenges and the journey we face to achieve this are unique to each of us …. dependent on our genetics, behaviour and environment. 

Like in the stories we have shared on this page, everyone’s situation, the challenges they faced and the ways they sought to overcome them are unique them.  But we hope through reading their stories they may inspire, give you hope or motivate you to work toward more good days to your life.

Elderly lady smiling in flowers
“I find that it is important for me to set some goals. It not only provides me with some forward planning on a daily basis, but it also helps me set some challenges for the future.” John Quinn

Recent success stories

Let us show you what has worked for others. Click the images to view the stories.
  • John Quinn and his story with wellness and reablement
    Putting Reablement into Practice
    As a person living with Alzheimer’s disease, John Quinn is challenging the belief that a diagnosis means ‘end of life’. Here, he explains how, with adaptations and timely interventions, it is possible to live life well with dementia
  • Taking Care of Cultural and Spiritual Wellness
    Paul Chapman’s story highlights the importance of providing services in a culturally appropriate way. Read his challenges and listen to his story here.
  • Elderly man stretching assisted by support worker
    Getting back to before
    Phil had a fall at home that resulted in him being concerned about getting back to his usual daily routine and into the community where he could connect with others. Hear this story of empowerment from Phil’s perspective.
Older man looking over a lake
Sometimes it’s just a matter of having some help to get back to where you were

Personal Perspectives

Read some more personal aspects of Wellness and Reablement. Click on the cards below to read more.
  • Elderly-couple-smiling-in-the-sunshine
    Personal story – Moving is good for us
    We all know moving more is good for us and the people we support. We know that we need to be more active but sometimes it can be difficult to get started. Sometimes it’s just about moving a bit more every day in whatever way works for each person. Take a moment to watch this great video about Sue and her determination to keep moving every day in a way that worked for her and has put her back on her feet. 
  • Support worker reviewing a clients support plan
    Small things can make a big difference
    An Aged Care Assessor went through some of the common everyday activities that Claire and her husband were managing in their homes such as showering and dressing. It was during this process that Claire and her husband realised that there were some simple things they could do using small items of equipment, that would make their lives easier.
  • Elderly man out walking in the city
    Getting out and about to reconnect
    After he stopped driving, Stan decided it was time to get some help to be able to reconnect with his family and friends using a mobile app and public transport. Read about his story here

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