First, select one of the five sections below.
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Next, select one of the subsections below. Then choose the level you believe your organisation is from the bullet menu on the right.
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You are at 1.1 Lvl1
Our leadership team is committed to achieving the best for older people, but our workforce is not necessarily engaged in the conversation.
How do we measure up?
- Leaders have undertaken education relating to Wellness and Reablement, the benefits for consumers, and the implications for change to the service model are understood and endorsed.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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No, I don't meet these criteria yet
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Level 1 of 5
Our leadership team is committed to achieving the best for older people, but our workforce are not necessarily engaged in the conversation.
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You are at 1.1 Lvl2
Our workforce including the leadership team are committed to achieving the best for older people but are not necessarily engaged in leadership outside of their current roles and responsibilities.
How do we measure up?
Commitment to raise awareness of wellness and reablement across all of workforce.
- Recruitment processes and ongoing professional development ensure the right people, with the right skills/qualifications.
- Position descriptions clearly define accountabilities and responsibilities.
- Ongoing support, guidance, mentorship together with formal reviews occur.
- Individualised support plans reflective of individual’s needs, goals and aspirations are developed in collaboration with the consumer.
- Outcomes achieved are monitored reviewed and evaluated for effectiveness.
- Feedback from customers/families demonstrate commitment to quality, safe, person-centred care. Any concerns raised form part of the organisation’s continual improvement processes.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 2 of 5
Our workforce including the leadership team are committed to achieving the best for older people but are not necessarily engaged in leadership outside of their current roles and responsibilities.
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You are at 1.1 Lvl3
Our organisation is committed to achieving the best for older people but is not necessarily engaged in community and sector leadership beyond the organisation.
How do we measure up?
- Membership to Peak organisations that provide guidance and resources.
- Examples of successes applying wellness and reablement are shared inside and outside the organisation.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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No, I don't meet these criteria yet
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Level 3 of 5
Our organisation is committed to achieving the best for older people but are not necessarily engaged in community and sector leadership beyond the organisation.
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You are at 1.1 Lvl4
Our organisation is involved in working with older people for the best outcomes in wellness and reablement and we are starting to take up leadership opportunities within the sector.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence of engagement with other organisations in the sector i.e.: Allied Health, GEAT (ie Assistive Technology and Home Modifications ) Providers, RAS and ACAT.
- Evidence of research undertaken regarding social connections consumers could make outside of the organisation, within the community.
- Feedback is used to improve the quality of care and services
Yes, I meet these criteria
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No, I don't meet these criteria yet
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Links and Resources
Take a look at some of the resources we have collected for you to make achieving your vision and goals easier. If you need additional help. don't hesitate to get in touch
Support Workers guide to AT equipment ( (Web Link)
Assistive Technology Essentials (Part 1)( (Web Link to eBook)
Assistive Technology Essentials (Part 2)( (Web Link to eBook)
Department of Health- Wellness and Reablement Resources (Web Link)
Level 4 of 5
Our organisation is involved in working with older people for the best outcomes in wellness and reablement and we are starting to take up leadership opportunities within the sector.
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You are at 1.1 Lvl5
Our organisation is involved in working with older people for optimal wellness and reablement outcomes, and with the sector to expand these approaches and share our learning.
How do we measure up?
- Presentations and written publications explaining the wellness and reablement approach and associated benefits, sharing of consumer outcomes in Newsletters, local papers etc.
- Workforce supports the rights of customers in line with the Aged Care Charter.
- Organisation involves customers in developing information-based resources through focus /advisory groups.
- Consumer representative sits on the Clinical Governance Committee.
- Assessment, planning, monitoring, and review are undertaken in collaboration with the consumer.
- Feedback is used to improve the quality of care and services.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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No, I don't meet these criteria yet
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Level 5 of 5
Our organisation is involved in working with older people for optimal wellness and reablement outcomes, and with the sector to expand these approaches and share our learning.
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You are at 1.2 Lvl1
We are committed to improving strategies that fulfill our responsibilities to older people.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence of continuous improvement activities based on consumer feedback.
- Customers are engaged in the development, delivery, and evaluation of their care and services.
- Continuous Improvement practices are embedded into BAU – feedback is sought after and welcomed with negative feedback considered as an opportunity for improvement.
- The workforce is recruited, trained, equipped, and supported to deliver the best outcomes.
- Quality and Safety reports which include performance data are developed for review by Board, Executive, and Management Team.
- Supports are designed to maximise independence and keep customers connected to their communities.
- Assessment, planning, and care delivery occur in collaboration with the consumer.
- Timely and appropriate referrals are made
Yes, I meet these criteria
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No, I don't meet these criteria yet
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Level 1 of 5
We are committed to improving strategies that fulfill our responsibilities to older people.
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You are at 1.2 Lvl2
We are raising awareness of the need to put the needs and goals of older people at the centre of our work and have begun to identify examples of the positive impact this has made.
How do we measure up?
- Positive consumer outcome stories are shared.
- Sharing of positive consumer outcomes occurs during team meetings.
- Opportunities for additional improvements to further optimise the health and wellbeing of consumers are explored.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 2 of 5
We are raising awareness of the need to put the needs and goals of older people at the centre of our work and have begun to identify examples of the positive impact this has made.
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You are at 1.2 Lvl3
We use information on the results of wellness and reablement approaches and are recording and reporting examples of our successes in these areas to share beyond the organisation.
How do we measure up?
- Publication of client outcome stories in Organisation newsletter, local newspaper and website.
- Examples cited in W&R annual report
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 3 of 5
We use information on the results of wellness and reablement approaches and are recording and reporting examples of our successes in these areas to share beyond the organisation.
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You are at 1.2 Lvl4
We use our current service offerings, our ongoing learning and evidence, and positive actions within the organisation to advocate for wider adoption of wellness and reablement approaches.
How do we measure up?
- Marketing material and positive consumer outcome stories are shared within the sector.
- Outcomes achieved as identified by the consumer/family members are deidentified and shared with the broader organisation including the Board.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 4 of 5
We use our current service offerings, our ongoing learning and evidence and positive actions within the organisation to advocate for wider adoption of wellness and reablement approaches.
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You are at 1.2 Lvl5
We use success stories and information from our ongoing learning in best practice to demonstrate the importance of wellness and reablement to support others in the broader sector to understand the value and adopt these approaches.
How do we measure up?
- Broad distribution of success stories within the community, exhibition of best practice at industry wide conferences etc, presentation to consumer groups. Broad distribution of success stories within the community, exhibition of best practice at industry wide conferences etc, presentation to consumer groups.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 5 of 5
We use success stories and information from our ongoing learning in best practice to demonstrate the importance of wellness and reablement to support others in the broader sector to understand the value and adopt these approaches.
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You are at 1.3 Lvl1
We focus on delivering the services we are currently responsible for as best we can, there is little time for reflection.</.h6>
How do we measure up?
- Provide services according to contractual outputs.
- The organisation undertakes initial and ongoing assessment and planning for care and services in partnership with the consumer.
- Individualised person-centred, goal-oriented plans are developed to optimise independence, health, well-being and quality of life.
- Where equipment is required, it is assessed, prescribed and appropriate to the individual’s needs.
- Progress to goal is tracked to ensure consumer expectations and outcomes are achieved.
- Staff are suitably skilled to ensure they recognise and respond to deterioration in customer ability, following which care plans are adjusted accordingly.
- Incidents are investigated with corrective actions monitored, reviewed and evaluated for effectiveness.
- Consumers are encouraged and supported to provide feedback.
- Complaints are reviewed and used to improve the quality of care and services.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 1 of 5
We focus on delivering the services we are currently responsible for as best we can, there is little time for reflection.
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You are at 1.3 Lvl2
We reflect on the perspective and experience of older people as a growing part of how we plan our services.
How do we measure up?
- Collection and reporting of consumer feedback, high-level planning incorporates feedback.
- Feedback and complaints are reviewed and used to improve the quality of care and services.
- Data in relation to performance is reported to the governing body.
- Continual Improvement logs are maintained and updated as part of BAU.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 2 of 5
We reflect on the perspective and experience of older people as a growing part of how we plan our services.
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You are at 1.3 Lvl3
We use reflection on the experiences of older people as part of what we do: we are not always able to translate this into action.
How do we measure up?
- Collection and reporting of consumer feedback, high-level planning incorporates feedback and operational plans have changed accordingly. Indicating that not all continuous improvement activities have been incorporated into operational plans.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 3 of 5
We use reflection on the experiences of older people as part of what we do: we are not always able to translate this into action.
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You are at 1.3 Lvl4
The experience and perspective of older people forms the basis of our organisational plans, but we are not yet able to consistently translate this to action.
How do we measure up?
- Consumer participation in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) new initiatives
- Consumer participation in Clinical Governance Committee
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 4 of 5
The experience and perspective of older people forms the basis of our organisational plans, but we are not yet able to consistently translate this to action.
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You are at 1.3 Lvl5
The experience and perspective of older people translate into both principles for change and concrete steps to action, ongoing reflection and review.
How do we measure up?
- Organisation has agendas, minutes and actioned outcomes of a Consumer group.
- Consumer feedback from committees, surveys, complaints and suggestion box are adopted within operation plans and reviewed and changed as necessary.
- The organisation’s values and signature behaviours communicate the organisation’s beliefs and define the way we work together every day with each other and how we provide support to consumers.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 5 of 5
The experience and perspective of older people translate into both principles for change and concrete steps to action, ongoing reflection and review.
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You are at 1.4 Lvl1
We deliver the services we are responsible for and required to do for compliance.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence that organisation meets contractual and reporting requirements.
- Policies, procedures and associated documents are developed to meet legislative requirements and guide practice;
- Outcomes of internal/external reviews;
- Consumers can describe ways the organisation has learnt from complaints and as a consequence made improvements to service.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 1 of 5
We deliver the services we are responsible for and required to do for compliance.
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You are at 1.4 Lvl2
We are committed to ensuring the satisfaction of older people and work together to try and make this possible.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence of consumer feedback surveys conducted, and continuous improvement activities implemented as an outcome
- The organisation ensures all consumers are aware of their right to provide feedback or make a complaint – information available on website, feedback forms distributed as part of the on-boarding process and at the time of review;
- Information available in a range of formats and different languages;
- Advocacy information provided;
- Translating and Interpreting services available for customers where English is not their first language.
- Open disclosure processes in place.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 2 of 5
We are committed to ensuring the satisfaction of older people and work together to try and make this possible.
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You are at 1.4 Lvl3
We are committed to ensuring the satisfaction of older people and work together to try and make this possible.
How do we measure up?
- Wellness and Reablement approaches are reflected in policy and procedures, support planning, marketing material.
- Strength based language is used in all communication
- Assessment, care planning and review focusses on optimising health and well-being in accordance with the consumers needs, goals and preferences;
- Outcomes against identified goals are tracked. Care plans are adjusted to meet consumers changing needs.
- Referrals for equipment and/or additional services are recommended and made.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 3 of 5
We are committed to ensuring the satisfaction of older people and work together to try and make this possible.
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You are at 1.4 Lvl4
We are committed to supporting older people with their goals and needs and all work together to make this a core part of our approach. New approaches to supporting people are actively encouraged and positively recognised across the organisation.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence of changes to support services as an outcome of consumer input, evidence of discussion of support approaches in team meetings, evidence of staff feedback in relation to Wellness and Reablement approach and changes made to service delivery.
- New initiatives are identified and pursued
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 4 of 5
We are committed to supporting older people with their goals and needs and all work together to make this a core part of our approach. New approaches to supporting people are actively encouraged and positively recognised across the organisation.
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You are at 1.4 Lvl5
From induction to service delivery and evaluation, our workforce has a clear understanding of their purpose to improve the lives of older people and overcome barriers to their needs and aspirations through community connection and development. Innovative service delivery is encouraged and supported by the leadership within the organisation at all levels.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence in induction documentation and training records of Wellness and Reablement approach language and education.
- Meeting agendas, examples of changes made to service delivery to achieve client goals. Staff feedback indicates understanding of Wellness Reablement approach in practice and evidence of involvement in changes to service delivery.
- Organisation is committed to recruiting the right people, with the rights skills to achieve the right outcomes;
- Position descriptions align to the organisation’s values and provide clear understanding of accountabilities/responsibilities.
- A clear understanding of community need is used to inform both operational and strategic plans.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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Level 5 of 5
From induction to service delivery and evaluation, our workforce has a clear understanding of their purpose to improve the lives of older people and overcome barriers to their needs and aspirations through community connection and development. Innovative service delivery is encouraged and supported by the leadership within the organisation at all levels.
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You are at 1.5 Lvl1
Our workforce performs their roles – authority comes from the position of the organisation.
How do we measure up?
- The workforce is recruited, trained, equipped and supported to deliver the necessary outcomes for consumers.
- Guidance, support, and mentorship are provided by supervisors and peer to peer.
- Delegations of authority are in place.
- Staff are encouraged to identify opportunities for improvement and log the same via the organisation’s feedback management systems. Improvements are assessed and where implemented, communicated, monitored and evaluated for effectiveness.
Yes, I meet these criteria
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No, I don't meet these criteria yet
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Take a look at some of the resources we have collected for you to make achieving your vision and goals easier. If you need additional help. don't hesitate to get in touch
Level 1 of 5
Our workforce performs their roles – authority comes from the position of the organisation.
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You are at 1.5 Lvl2
Our workforce is learning that they can speak up about what they know of the needs and aspirations of older people and that they will be listened to.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence of communication from staff to supervisor regarding client changes and support is changed accordingly.
- Organisation recruits the workforce for their diverse experiences, background, skills, and qualities.
- Open disclosure processes in place.
Yes, I meet these criteria
Great-Well done. Continue on to the next item on RoadMap.
No, I don't meet these criteria yet
Don't worry. We've got a variety of resources to help you on your way. Learn how to achieve this level below.
Links and Resources
Take a look at some of the resources we have collected for you to make achieving your vision and goals easier. If you need additional help. don't hesitate to get in touch
Level 2 of 5
Our workforce is learning that they can speak up about what they know of the needs and aspirations of older people and that they will be listened to.
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You are at 1.5 Lvl3
Our workforce take a broad understanding of their role and are encouraged to share their knowledge and learning about the needs and goals of older people.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence of Wellness and Reablement in Team meeting agenda and minutes that encourages sharing of ideas and team problem solving.
Yes, I meet these criteria
Great-Well done. Continue on to the next item on RoadMap.
No, I don't meet these criteria yet
Don't worry. We've got a variety of resources to help you on your way. Learn how to achieve this level below.
Links and Resources
Take a look at some of the resources we have collected for you to make achieving your vision and goals easier. If you need additional help. don't hesitate to get in touch
Level 3 of 5
Our workforce take a broad understanding of their role and are encouraged to share their knowledge and learning about the needs and goals of older people.
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You are at 1.5 Lvl4
Our workforce is encouraged to show leadership and build relationships to ensure older people have autonomy over their lives and the services they receive.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence of W&R ‘champions” within the team and resources given to conduct this role to its full extent.
- Staff have had training and mentoring in developing support plans which support clients to achieve their goals.
- The workforce work in partnership with each consumer to understand what is important to them.
- Goals are monitored to ensure the desired outcomes are achieved.
Yes, I meet these criteria
Great-Well done. Continue on to the next item on RoadMap.
No, I don't meet these criteria yet
Don't worry. We've got a variety of resources to help you on your way. Learn how to achieve this level below.
Links and Resources
Take a look at some of the resources we have collected for you to make achieving your vision and goals easier. If you need additional help. don't hesitate to get in touch
Level 4 of 5
ur workforce is encouraged to show leadership and build relationships to ensure older people have autonomy over their lives and the services they receive.
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You are at 1.5 Lvl5
Our workforce feels confident to speak and act to support the individual or groups of older people and they have autonomy over the services they receive.
How do we measure up?
- Evidence that consumer has choice and control over the support service they receive and when necessary support staff will advocate for them.
- Data collected shows a decrease in support hours provided where there has been an increase in consumers’ capacity and ability as an outcome of wellness and reablement strategies.
- Consumers who need support to make decisions are provided with information on how to access the support they need.
- Evidence that risks are considered through a person-centred approach and reflects what is important to the client. Staff can give examples of how they support a client to make choices.
- Evidence of how the organisation supports the client’s choices e.g.: social support group activities align with client interests.
Yes, I meet these criteria
Great-Well done. Continue on to the next item on RoadMap.
No, I don't meet these criteria yet
Don't worry. We've got a variety of resources to help you on your way. Learn how to achieve this level below.
Links and Resources
Take a look at some of the resources we have collected for you to make achieving your vision and goals easier. If you need additional help. don't hesitate to get in touch
Level 5 of 5
Our workforce feels confident to speak and act to support the individual or groups of older people and they have autonomy over the services they receive.
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