To help with the delivery of Wellness and Reablement approaches, in 2017 the Commonwealth Government engaged the Nous Group to review and identify strategies that would support the Aged Care Sector. A maturity model was developed to provide a pathway for stakeholders to identify, assess, and support progress to higher stages as Wellness and Reablement strategies were further embedded.

The Nous Group produced a maturity model to understand how far the sector has progressed in practical terms. The maturity model provides a tool for ongoing self-assessment and is part of the wellness and reablement strategies reviewed by the group.

Undoubtedly, the maturity of Wellness and Reablement approaches varies between individual providers. It goes without saying that individual consumers, assessors, and providers are at different stages of their Wellness and Reablement journey.

Thus, the purpose of the Nous Maturity Framework is to support the Australian home care sector as they endeavour to embed Wellness and Reablement into their service delivery.

The Framework provides a pathway for stakeholders to identify, assess and support progress to higher stages of maturity as they further embed Wellness and Reablement within their home care service delivery offerings.

The Maturity Model Framework

Click the image to open the pdf document.

Maturity Model - Implementation for wellness and reablement strategies

A Consumer Perspective

The Maturity Framework identifies the different qualities experienced by consumers when supported by a service provider at each level. For example, if the provider is at the Starting Point, the consumer may state “My provider helps me to do things I can no longer do by myself”. But if the provider was at the Generative stage of the Framework the consumer may state “Not only have I improved my independence and social connections, but I have been able to achieve something I didn’t expect thanks to my provider’s support”.

Click the image to open the pdf document.

A Service Provider Perspective

The service provider qualities have been stepped out in greater detail. They highlight areas within each quality that requires focus and action when embedding wellness and reablement into service delivery.

To demonstrate the difference between an organisation just starting out on their wellness and reablement journey, they may state “We want to be able to do this well and are ready to change our approaches”.

Comparatively, a provider at the Generative stage may state “We co-design our services with our clients and they are empowered to achieve their aspirations. We share our experiences and knowledge with others in the sector.”

Click the image to open the full pdf document.

embedding wellness and reablement approaches in the home care sector for service providers

This document framework was created by KeepAble with reference to developed material by the Nous group. In essence, it goes through the seven category levels of consumer experience and service providers qualities that would enable the delivery of Wellness and Reablement approaches.

Every stakeholder has a role to play, from individual consumers to members of aged care organisations in creating a system where activity is aligned towards a focus on wellness and reablement.

Support worker group meeting to discuss Wellness and reablement implementation

Gathering feedback and data in your organisation

Organisations have different client outcome measurement data depending on which level they have achieved.

For example:

maturity model examples in wellness and reablement strategies

Click the image to open the pdf document.

Where is your organisation on the journey and how can you make a start?

There are several resources available to help service providers gauge where they are within the Maturity Framework.

Both of the resources below align with the Maturity Model Framework. They provide a self-assessment tool that prompts the review of the qualities required to embed Wellness and Reablement into service delivery.

Wellness and Reablement Roadmap

ACSA has developed a Wellness and Reablement Roadmap that helps CHSP providers self-assess progress in integrating wellness and reablement principles into core service delivery. 

The roadmap provides a framework for discussions at all levels within an organisation. Specifically, it helps providers identify what they are doing well and what actions need to be taken to improve performance in progressing, managing, and measuring wellness and reablement.

At KeepAble we have developed an interactive roadmap that enhances the information and markers in the ACSA Wellness and Reablement roadmap to identify a starting point in your organisations wellness and reablement journey. The KeepAble Roadmap also provides suggested resources that will assist organisations with continuous improvement activities to embed wellness and reablement into their service delivery.

To use this interactive tool, Go to the KeepAble Roadmap

To download the ACSA Wellness and Reablement Roadmap Excel spreadsheet, click here.

Organisational Self-Assessment Tool

Synergy has developed the Organisational Self-Assessment Tool for the Australian Government Department of Health.

In essence, the presentation provides an introduction and overview of the tool. It covers appropriate areas for assessment, applicable evidence and a scale to rate your organisation. Service providers using this tool will need to transfer the qualities and rating scale into their own format. From there, they can populate responses to ratings against the qualities and continuous improvement comments.

To download the presentation, click on the graphic below.

Support workers meeting
“CHSP Providers are required to have an implementation plan outlining their service’s approach to embedding wellness and reablement in service delivery.”
CHSP manual


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