We have created a series of short videos that focus on what a RAS assessor might see and hear during a home assessment. The videos show an Occupational Therapist conducting a home assessment and what they are thinking as they complete an active assessment.

These essential videos aim to help RAS assessors recognise the triggers that indicate a client requires a referral to Allied Health, translate what is seen and heard throughout an assessment into the support plan, and how to refer to an Allied Health Professional for further intervention.

After each video, there is a quiz to help you reflect on what you have seen and identify the most appropriate language to include in your assessment. There is also an accompanying downloadable tip sheet for each video, with suggestions on how to create a conversation with clients around their activities of daily living, red flags to look out for when in a client’s home, and the sentences and phrases that will inform your referral to Allied Health.

1. See and Hear – Introduction – Entering the home and in the lounge

The following video shows  OT Liz introducing the assessment process by gaining approval from Rosemary to show her areas of her home where she has concerns.  Liz also uses her observations to explore with Rosemary what difficulties she is experiencing and where else within the home these might apply.

Open and download the PDF support sheet for video 1 here.

Link to video 1 and quiz here.

2. See and Hear – In the bathroom

The following video portrays how Rosemary uses her bathroom and toilet space and navigates the objects within. Additional observations prompt Liz to explore Rosemary’s continence and the need for a detailed OT assessment of the bathroom and toilet.

Open and download the PDF support sheet for video 2 here.

Link to video 2 and quiz here.

3. See and Hear – In the bedroom

The following video follows Rosemary into her bedroom and how she manages to get in and out of bed or accessing her clothes from the wardrobe. A statement from Rosemary about having to get up during the night prompts the OT to explore the amount of sleep she is getting, lighting and a clutter-free path to be taken for her to get to the toilet.

Open and download the PDF support sheet for video 3 here.

Link to video 3 and quiz here.

4. See and Hear – In the kitchen

In this video Rosemary suggests that it is time for a cup of tea which takes them both through to the kitchen area. Here the OT observes how the kitchen is set out and Rosemary interacts within the kitchen space, like accessing higher cupboards. A discussion is also prompted about how she cooks and goes about her grocery shopping.

Open and download the PDF support sheet for video 4 here.

Link to video 4 and quiz here.

5. See and Hear – At the entrance and common walks inside and outside the home

Accessing the outdoor areas of Rosemary’s home is explored in this video, discussing her normal route to go in and out of the house and access her vehicle in the garage. Rosemary lives on a sloped block which poses barriers to her accessing some of the areas of her property.  The OT outlines what she has seen and together her and Rosemary discuss recommendations and decide what could be  the next steps.

Open and download the PDF support sheet for video 5 here.

Link to video 5 and quiz here.

Elderly lady being assisted by her support worker
I look to empower the person by using motivating and positive language and use what I am seeing and hearing to clarify their perspective.

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